Posted October 5, 2016

Victor Bellator is a young mathematician who has always made sense of the world by running numbers in his head. But his logic is challenged when he awakens in a rundown shack in the middle of the woods, with no memory of the past 72 hours—and endowed with the power of telekinesis.As the mystery of his paranormal condition unfolds, Victor learns that his brain is now absorbing a mysterious energy from the atmosphere called: Dual Dominant Interaction Force. In one form, the energy seems to be harmless to the human brain, enhancing feelings of altruism in the subject. But in its opposite form, it’s harmful and addictive… even mind altering, and the continued absorption of this energy will soon begin to corrupt Victor’s volition, inciting an unnatural and malevolent behavior that will ultimately warp him into an inhumane being—one, too dangerous to be kept alive.

Drama, adventure, and a heated love triangle are just the tip of the iceberg in this first installment of Predominance, a new paranormal trilogy that will take your breath away!

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