Tag: Author Interviews

Author Interview: Dawn Chapman

Dawn Chapman has been creating sci-fi and fantasy stories for thirty years. Until 2005 when her life and attention turned to scripts, and she started work on The Secret King, a 13-episode sci-fi TV series, with great passion for this medium. In 2010, Dawn returned to her first love of prose. She’s been working with coach […]

Author Interview: Penelope Wallace

I have lived in St Andrews, Oxford, Aberdeen, and Nottingham, and am old enough to remember black and white TV. I am a pedantic bibliophile, a sometime lawyer (in both England and Scotland), a not-completely-orthodox Christian (and churchwarden), a wishy-washy socialist, a quiet feminist and a compulsive maker of lists. In the distant past, I […]

Author Interview: Nan Klee

Nan Klee’s resume as a writer includes eight years as a weekly newspaper columnist, while she worked as a freelance writer, editor, reporter, photographer, and technical writer. She used her Navy flight simulator training and knowledge to become a computer technician while working toward a Master’s degree in Writing and Rhetoric. Nan worked her career […]

Author Interview: J.B.Rockwell

Hello there! I’m J.B. Rockwell, archaeologist cum IT geek cum sci-fi and fantasy writer. Also, eater of chocolates and collector of cats. There’s a lot more blah-blah-blah about me and my latest novel, SERENGETI, on my website (www.jenniferbrockwell.com) and you can follow me on Twitter (@Rockwell_JB) if you like pics of dragons, foxes and other […]

Author Interview: Steven M. Caddy

Hi, I’m Steven M. Caddy, or just Steve – only my sister calls me Steven. I live with my wife in Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, UK, a beautiful, if rather unknown town in the east midlands, that boasts a busy market square dominated by the spire of the parish church is St Mary Magdalene, views of the […]

Author Interviews

Author Interviews are available if you are an author of science fiction or fantasy, have a book published independently or with a small press or are in pre-launch. The interview and encourages discussion about yourself, writing challenges/achievements and allows ample opportunity for you to discuss your book(s). You are not required to supply an author photograph, […]

Author Interview: Roxanne Bland

1) When did you first discover your love for writing? Writing was a hidden passion for me. I’ve written stories since I was a child, but I didn’t take it seriously, even after I won a writing contest when I was about ten. I wanted to be a musician. Well, that didn’t work out, but […]

Author Interview: Richard Paolinelli

Richard Paolinelli began his writing career as a freelance writer in 1984 and his sports writing career in 1991. After retiring he returned to his fiction writing roots, releasing two short stories and a full-length sci-fi novel, Maelstrom. He has since released a sports non-fiction, the first book of a mystery-thriller series and was a […]

Author Interview: Christopher D. Abbott

My name is Christopher D. Abbott and I live in Connecticut, USA. I’ve been in the USA for 6 years–I emigrated from the UK. I’m an author of cross-genre mystery, horror, and fantasy. Hobbies include music (playing and recording), cooking, charity works. 1) When did you first discover your love for writing? When I was […]

Author Interview: Alex Gates

My name is Alex Gates and I grew up in a small town in Northern California. I enjoy a wide variety of things as long they include my wife or some friends. I love the Sacramento Kings and Dallas Cowboys, so you can say a hobby of mine is being disappointed often, which has helped temper […]

Author Interview: Greg Spry

Author Interview: Greg Spry

Greg Spry was born in Green Bay, Wisconsin, in 1978. He majored in industrial engineering at the University of Wisconsin—Madison before earning a graduate degree in space systems from the Florida Institute of Technology. When he’s not writing the next epic sci-fi adventure, he enjoys playing kickball and cheering on the Wisconsin Badgers and Green […]

Author Interview: J.D.Cunegan

Fresh off his debut novel Bounty, J.D. Cunegan introduces his intense follow-up, Blood Ties, a mixture of murder mystery and superhero epic that re-introduces the reader to his comic book-inspired storytelling and fast-paced prose. A 2006 graduate of Old Dominion University, Cunegan has an extensive background in journalism and a lifelong love for writing. Cunegan lives in […]

Author Interview: Tom Fallwell

Born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in 1951, Tom Fallwell had always had a love of fantasy Role Playing games and was a game master who created adventures for other players to enjoy. Now, since retiring as a computer programmer,  he is writing the fantasy stories he had always wanted to write and enjoying every minute […]

Author Interview: E.A.Copen

E.A. Copen is the author of the Judah Black novels, an urban fantasy series. She’s an avid reader of science fiction, fantasy and other genre fiction. When she’s not chained to her keyboard, she may be found time traveling on the weekends with the Society for Creative Anachronism. She lives in beautiful southeast Ohio with […]

Author Interview: Brady Koch

Brady Koch is an independent sci-fi writer that lives with his wife and children in Westchester County, NY. A constant presence in the flash fiction scene, he has curated his first collection of novellas and short stories into Guns, Gods & Robots: Seven Curious Tales. When did you first discover your love for writing? I’ve […]

Author Interview: M. LaRose

LaRose is the pen name of an American writer of fantasy who lives in the New England state of Vermont, an area known for beautiful woodlands and bucolic farms. Like many of the characters in the old-world fairy tales that she admires, LaRose lives in a forest that constantly inspires her imagination with its mystery. […]

Author Interview: Patricia Loofbourrow

Patricia Loofbourrow, MD is an SFF and non-fiction writer, PC gamer, ornamental food gardener, fiber artist, and wildcrafter who loves power tools, dancing, genetics and anything to do with outer space. She was born in southern California and has lived in Chicago and Tokyo. She currently lives in Oklahoma with her husband and three grown […]

Author Interview: P.F.Davids

I’m P.F. Davids, fantasy writer and author of Lesser Evil.  I write from my little place in Central Florida.  When I’m not writing, I’m playing tabletop games, or watching numbers go up in the latest RPG. When did you first discover your love for writing? When I was very young.  Some of my earliest memories […]

Author Interview: Andean White

Utah is where my hat has found its hook for forty plus years, just north of Salt Lake City. Access to the outdoors, close to family in Wyoming, and good jobs have been key in the decision to stay. When did you first discover your love of writing? Started writing about five years ago when […]

Author Interview: Aida Jacobs

Bio: My name is Aida Jacobs, I am a thirty-three year old, self-published, fantasy author. When I am not tirelessly toiling away on my writing, I love spending time with my loving, supportive husband, and our inquisitive daughter in Minnesota where we make our home. When did you first discover your love for writing? Fifteen years ago during my Senior year of highschool, I found myself with a free period that needed to be filled, so on a whim, I signed up for creative writing. I signed up for the class because I knew the teacher from other classes, and […]

Author Interview: Esther Dalseno

My name is Esther Dalseno and I’m an Australian living in Berlin.  I’m about to publish my debut novel, Drown, a YA crossover fantasy that I wrote entirely in Laos, South East Asia.  I’m a big traveler, I left Sydney alone nearly ten years ago and worked my way across the world, teaching and writing.  In […]

Author Interview: Mark Binmore

According to my official twitter feed, I am a top selling author (so I’m told) with a hint of mint, mid 40s, based sometimes in London other times in south of France at my own small hotel.  I have published twelve books, some prose and short stories, two collections, a biography and two novels about […]

Author Interview: Andrea Jenkins

Andrea Jenkins Biography: Andrea Lynne Jenkins born in Allegan, Mi, USA is an American author currently writing her trilogy “Kara”, “Vero” and “Andromeda”. A former model (attending John Casablanca’s in 2010 in Tampa, Florida), Andrea is a scifi, thriller, romance novelist and mother of four. She loves travelling (having driven through 33 states before the […]

Author Interview: R.R.Virdi

Author Interview: R.R.Virdi

I’m RR Virdi, author of The Grave Report, a paranormal investigator series set in NY. I live in Falls Church, Virginia. I’m 25 at the moment, I’d like to keep it that way. I’m predominantly an urban fantasy author, but I have written and will go back to writing fantasy and science fiction. I’m an […]