Tag: Occult

Sons of Baal by Alan Place

Sons of Baal by Alan Place

The crew of the research vessel Forgestriker are left stranded in dead space – beyond contact range – after their ship is attacked on its return from Gameroom, where they were sent to help secure a radar location, only to find they walked into an ambush. This is the opening book to a seven-book series: http://hereiamattheedge.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/forgestriker-collection.html#.VmXED1XhDnA. […]

The Defeatist by Sophie Bowns

The Defeatist by Sophie Bowns

Sometimes you don’t realise the mess you’ve made until you hit rock bottom. My life is a car crash, and the only person I can blame is myself. I was the reason that my parents broke up, and I ruined my own chances of happiness. I’m not proud of what I’ve done, and worst of […]

Dead Medium

Dead Medium

“The Strangest Things Happen When You’re Dead.” – May Elizabeth Trump. First Impressions Penned as ‘Not your average ghost story,’ I would have to say I agree. It is like nothing of this genre that I’ve read before and I found myself getting sucked into the first chapter. I couldn’t help but like the cantankerous […]

Righteous Release by Richard Gardner

Righteous Release by Richard Gardner

David Chambers was born into a strictly religious family. As members of the Eternal Fellowship, they have chosen to reject the ways of the world and have separated themselves from the rest of humanity. As his arranged marriage to another follower – a woman he has come to dislike – looms ever closer, David decides […]