A manuscript critique will identify areas of weakness, as well as what works well. It is better suited to newer authors, in that the focus is on the ‘craft’ of writing (as opposed to a developmental edit which focuses on improving the story).
Common areas of difficulty for newer writers include:
- Starting the story in the wrong place
- Excessive backstory
- Narrative voice issues, such as head hopping or consistency within the chosen POV
- Structural issues
- Weak plots
- Weak characterisation
- Passive writing
A manuscript critique will use examples from your writing to explain areas of weakness that have been identified but does not include developmental editing or line editing.
I would recommend this service if you are working on your first novel and wish to improve your craft, if you unsure what level of editing you require, or if you are nervous about having your novel read (whether it’s your first novel or your tenth).
*Includes plot analysis