Tag: Asteroids

Stormhaven Rising by Eric Michael Craig

Stormhaven Rising by Eric Michael Craig

My Review I should begin this review by saying that I am totally fascinated by the whole ‘asteroid heading to Earth’ concept. I’ve watched numerous films and read every work of fiction I can featuring asteroids in this very scenario, so when Stormhaven Rising was recommended to me, I jumped at the chance to read it. […]

Maelstrom by Richard Paolinelli

Maelstrom by Richard Paolinelli

Dr. Steven Collins has devoted his life to one cause: finding a way to prevent a catastrophic collision between Earth and an asteroid, like the one that killed off the dinosaurs millions of years ago. Collins spends years developing a shield—a device that uses the Earth’s own magnetic field—and finally reaches the point where he […]

Blogging A-Z: A is for… Asteroids

Asteroids. I have quite a fascination for them actually. Not the type travelling harmlessly around the asteroid belt though, oh no, I like the concept of one hurtling towards Earth and threatening to wipe us all out, and more importantly, what we would – and could – do about it. We’re making advances in space […]