Blood in the Fire

Posted June 15, 2015

Click to read an excerpt

My initial thoughts

Blood in the Fire is written in the first person, and the standard of writing is very high. It begins at a point close to media res and the writing style (and story) was quick to entice me. It begins with feel of a mainstream fiction novel, but soon changes its tone, and through the course of a conversation, back story is established with ease.

I’ve only read a few pages of the book so far, but this is one I intend to take a further read of. There’s no other reviews as yet, but this book does have two five star ratings on Goodreads (and I’ve added it to my ‘to read’ list).

This book is marketed as being suitable for young adults with magic and fantasy, and from what I’ve read so far, it looks like it might be an enticing read.


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