Independently (self-published) books / book promotion

Posted June 15, 2015

It has taken me a while, but through the course of promoting books for free on my other site, and through several engagements with independent authors, I have come to a decision as to what direction to take with this site. While I am keen to continue writing about all things science fiction and fantasy (and subgenres thereof) I also intend to promote independent books with a high standard of writing.

At present, I am working my way through my book promotion website and checking Kindle samples for quality writing (and removing those that do not fit the criteria). I would, in a nutshell, like the book promotion I offer via my websites to be associated with quality, and I think this will help qualifying authors get their voices heard above the hundreds of thousands of other indie books – that’s the plan anyway.

So, with that said, if you know of any science fiction or fantasy books meeting the criteria, or are an author yourself, please feel free to submit your book for assessment here (it’s free).



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