Rising Empire

Posted June 18, 2015


“We assume he has been alone with the queen for the last few days and yet no one seems too concerned about it. He seems to have the trust of a lot of very suspicious individuals. If I were an assassin or a spy, then that is how I would infiltrate our people.” Misna observed with a shrug.

“You are an assassin, spy and infiltrator,” Amalia said with a raised eyebrow.

“Then perhaps we should be more mindful of General Bird than we have been.”

First Impressions

A quick skim through the first few pages has revealed what promises to be an exciting read. A brief prologue introduces necessary information, and the first chapter begins in medias res – with action, inner thoughts and dialogue enticing the reader into the story. The tone, voice and writing style are of a high quality, and recent five-star reviews seem to indicate that Rising Empire could  be a must read for readers of the fantasy genre – I’m certainly adding it to my ‘to-read’ list.

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