Category: Books

Equivocal Destines by Raymond Clarke

Equivocal Destines by Raymond Clarke

The first page of this book made me laugh, in just one paragraph and a sentence, Taal’s character jumped off the page. Sixteen years old and employed to tend a field full of crops, he’s doing what anyone would do in a dreary, dead-end job – he’s daydreaming. What made me laugh, however, was the […]

Spacetug Copenhagen (Steps to Space #1)

Spacetug Copenhagen (Steps to Space #1)

My thoughts: Another book quite unlike anything I’ve read before. Spacetug Copenhagen, in my opinion, is a better starting point if you intend to read Richard Penn’s series’ of hard science fiction books. Spacetug Copenhagen has a great premise, is an addictive read and is a gentle introduction into how real science and engineering can […]

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Sky Ghosts: All for One by Alexandra Engellmann

Sky Ghosts: All for One by Alexandra Engellmann

Unseen in their black gear against the night sky, there are Sky Ghosts – gifted warriors who have been hiding among humans for centuries. They are bodyguards of the highest caliber and protectors of their cities at night, when they hunt those who choose the dark side, Sky Beasts. Jane and Pain from the New […]

Revelations by Pamela Daniell

Revelations by Pamela Daniell

Jenna Morgan is just like any normal teenager. That is until she turns seventeen. In a matter of a week Jenna is kidnapped, meets a mysterious young man named, Alex and learns the shocking truth about her true heritage, which is the reason both demons and the angels are hunting her. Just when she comes […]

Stopping the Fat Guy by Benjamin H. Hebert

Stopping the Fat Guy by Benjamin H. Hebert

Quincy Quiver, crime fighter extraordinaire, is out shopping on December 24th when he first hears of Santa Claus. Surely a man who spends his year spying on people in order to break into their house on Christmas Eve and leave them coal or unwanted socks is up to no good. Hero senses tingling, Quincy sets […]

Out of the Darkness (Sample)

Out of the Darkness (Sample)

I’m not sure where to begin with this review. The book was quite unlike anything I’ve read in recent years. After the first few pages, I came to realise there wasn’t going to be dialogue interaction anytime soon, but rather than getting irritated by the rather telling style of writing, I found I was too […]

Always Burning by D.J. Munden

Always Burning by D.J. Munden

David Graham walked out into the world and found that the sky was red. He wished that it stopped there. In this new twisted apocalypse, powerful men and women emerged from the shadows with new found powers to carve up the United States for themselves. Behind the cannibals, the mutants, and the new power wielding […]

The Dark Colony

The Dark Colony

Now this is my sort of book – thrown into a strange environment (which in this case is a colony in space) and made to feel as if the writer is discussing an environment that’s as familiar as the village park. The writing is very matter-of-fact as it takes the reader on a tour of […]

The Ghost in the Closet

The Ghost in the Closet

Review of sample in progress. Some say the ability of seeing ghosts is a gift, but after losing her job, Dumdie Swartz says, “Hogwash”. Since she was a child, Dumdie has seen ghosts and has developed several quirks to cover the fact so she wouldn’t need to explain herself or be exploited. When her boss […]